
“IRKUTSK CITIZEN DIARY”. - irkutsk, manuscript of beginning of XIX c.
92 lists of blue paper.

Page of the manuscript

“Irkutsk citizen diary”, compiled at the beginning of the XIX century, has an important information for specialists about meteorological Irkutsk situation in 1808-1817. Besides a decade nature observation, an author included historical description and everyday occurrence. Considering its contents, the compiler was a priest.

MONASTYRYOV V.A. Irkutsk Civil War History. Irkutsk, the end of 1950-s.
2 school notebooks, 18 and 51 pages.

Vasilii Alekseevich Monastyryov’s diary notes include a description of 1917-1923 events in Irkutsk. The notebooks have information about Civil war participants, first Soviet power activists in Irkutsk names and their part in historical events of that time. There is a detailed description of military activities in Irkutsk. A handwritten text is a big value for the specialists because there are only a few the documents of such kind left.

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